Oct 1, 2010

Appeal For Rejected Entry Visa

This was a very peculiar situation where my Chinese friend was rejected of entry Visa.

She is 26years old, employed and wants to visit Singapore on a social Visa. A local contact assisted her in applying the Visa through the SAVE online system. Usually a local Singaporean citizen can sponsor overseas friend to visit Singapore on social visit pass. This can be done via a convenient online application system by ICA. Only S$30 is required and the application takes 10min to complete. The better news is that the approval usually come within the day.

However, 1 important note is the size and strict requirement of the jpeg photograph required to attach in the application. Apparently, the exactly measurement and file size MUST be adhered, else, the application process would be affected unknownly.

Nevertheless, another good piece of news is that approval can come within a day, and rejection also can come within a day. If you have your entry Visa rejected, don't look elsewhere for holiday yet! Because there is still chance for APPEAL !

For appeal against entry Visa: If your application is done through the local contact, the citizen can make a trip down to the ICA, 4th floor, Short Term Visit Section and request for an interview by the officer in charge. Remember to bring along :
1. your Form 14A completed with photograph,
2. online rejection letter with visa application reference number
3. photocopy of applicant's passport
4. photocopy of local contact NRIC
5. Appeal letter written to ICA Officer (optional but IMPORTANT)

Here's the format of a sample Appeal letter (submit ONLY in ENGLISH) :
Attention : Officer-In-Charge
                 Immigration & Checkpoints Authority
                 ICA Building
                10 Kallang Road
                Singapore 208718

Date : 01 Oct 2010


Dear Officer,

The applicant, XXX (Passport No. XXX), had submitted an entry visa application (Visa Ref No. VSCxxx) dated xxOct20xx. I am very sorry to received the rejection for his/her Visa application. This is an appeal for his/her application.

Ms/Mr XXX is an employed staff of ABC company in XXX country. He/she is planning to visit Singapore for sight seeing/ business / visit friends. During the stay, he/she will be staying over my place at the below mentioned address/ at a hotel. He/she is my friend and I am sponsoring his/her application.

I would sincerely hope you will re-consider his/her application.

Yours Faithfully,

- Sign -
Local Contact : XXX
NRIC : SxxxxxxxX
Handphone : 9xxxxxxx
Address : xxx xxx xxx


  1. This is really very helpful. Thank you so much. You provided more that what the ICA can provide.

  2. How long does it take to process an appeal for entry visa. Immigration officer said 2 weeks, but still pending after completion of 14 days

  3. Can anyone tell me how long does it take to process an appeal for an entry visa?

  4. THis is a very help full information. Thanks for publishing it online.

  5. Thank you so much for this post. Very very helpful and helped me successfully appeal! I waited for about 4 days only before the approval letter was mailed to my house even though the officer did say it may take up to 2 weeks.

    1. Did u spend any money for it pls do reply...

  6. I just appealed for entry visa and the officer it will take around two weeks to know the results . I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that it will be approved . What are the chances of getting approved ? In most appealed cases , do they approve or reject again ?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi,

    Thanks for this post. I appealed yesterday and I got the visa today afternoon even the officer said the processing time is 2 to 3 weeks. But they provided single journey visa only.

    I attached flight ticket(with return).

    1. What is the maximum days they give you for the single journey visa? 30 days?

    2. Hi May I know the link to submit the documents.


  8. really like to thank the author of this blog. Going tomorrow to appeal finger crossed?

  9. This is so helpful and positive. Thanks for posting online.

  10. Thank you for the useful information. I must also appeal for my brother's entry visa.

  11. Thank you for the useful info. Even ICA website was not this helpful. I went for an appeal, they said the online rejected status will be changed to "approved" if appeal passes. But have waited 4 days now, it does not even show pending, still in rejection only...
    i am worried. should i call them?

    1. Hi,May I know whether it got changed and how many days did it took exactly?

  12. Really helpful post. I have been study there 3 and 1/2 year . after student pass expire I was going out Malaysia and re enter singapore twice . After that I was apply the singapore visa again so many time , they have been rejected with no reason . hope some body can be advise me .

  13. Hi Guys thanks for the info & I did apeal for my brother in laws's visa & its approved single journey... but on the approval letter it was written that if u have the visa it does not mean u automatically come to singapore, he will be interogate by ICA officer on arrival.. what does it mean ....HElppppppppp pls

    1. Hi,May I know how much days did it took exactly?

    2. Did your brother in law have a safe and ok entry? Or did the immigration interrogate her again.

  14. Hi, I applied for a relative's entry visa into singapore on Oct 4 and since Oct 5 till today the page still says it is pending, I call ICA and they told me to just wait?? I am rather worried, I have applied before and there were no problems last time and my results came out immediately the following day. help please? thanks!!

  15. Hi Guys I went almost 4 times in Singapore and now i apply again through the visa Agent. my application got rejected. please help me after how long i apply again. thank you

  16. hi everyone my visa was rejected and my local contact appealed for me. i want to know while waiting for the appeal, the status online is still shown as failed ya?

  17. Can i know if you had submit for appeal, will the status change to pending? The online status still shown as failed.

    Thank you very much and appreciate if someone can tell me about this.

  18. Hi,
    MY brother got student visa 4 yrs back and he couldnt collect the student pass due to some reason he come back to india. AFter that he applied for Social visit pass many times got rejected, even tried with local sponsor citizens. all times rejected. can anyone advice why is it? any ways to come in agin?


  19. How long the apeeal visa process will take?

  20. We appealed 1 week back but still no reponse and online also showing as rejected only.Bit worried, can somebody tell advise, shall iapply entry visa gain.

    1. Hi, i am having the same problem too. appealed on 7th Feb. Till now, screen still reflect as rejected without any change from first day of appeal. What should i do? Please help.

  21. Has anyone submiited the appeal recently? How long is it taking usually to get the status updated?

    1. GOt appeal addressed in flat one day.

  22. how long appeal take ?????? i mean how much time it take to reply.....

  23. Our appeal took one day. Keep checking the online status as they might not email you.

  24. i appealed and waited for 2 weeks, no email from ica. went down and was told rejected again. ask to see the officer in charge. he was rude and gave no reason why was rejected and ask me to write again on fresh grounds.
    What fresh ground do i hv if my frd really comes here to visit me and sight seeing...
    I asked him, since my appeal letter was rejected, meaning my frd can never come to singapore. He said not really, i was puzzled as since my reason for my friend to come and visit me is not good enough, meaning my frd can nv come visit. yet he said not really.
    Few hrs later i checked the i enquiry and it had the 3 rejection..
    meaning i was rejected on the same day I appealed 2nd time..
    I so tempted to complain him.

    1. Which country is your friend from?

  25. when you got rejected for appeal, i enquiry should appear 2 rejection status?

  26. now i submitted an application on 17 jul 2013 at 2309 and till now the visa is still on pending. wat should i do?>can anyone advise me on this

  27. Thank you so much, this post physically save my life. Let me clear some doubts. After The interview and they are willing to take your documents, your status online would still be "not successful". I waited about 2 working days before the status turned "approved". After you appeal, just keep refrshing the link and pray.

  28. Can I appeal online or I should go to the ICA building and interview?

  29. Hi Guys,

    My Chinese friend was rejected for Visa. I recently submitted an appeal for Visa but was rejected again. It there any other ways to re-appeal or should i go down personally to see the officer?

  30. hi my student pass got rejected due to my last study i didnt finish in singapore and now i wanted to continue with my study how i can appeal for get approved of my rejected application
    or can i meet visa officer to give my reason to not finished my last study in singapore

  31. SINGAPORE i got a visit visa but they refuse my entry,they suspect me i went for u turn purpose....so reject my entry i have possible to get again any visa

  32. We are appealing for one Entry Pass visa rejection. Our local client is a PR who applied initially for the Entry Pass. When meeting the ICA officials personally for the appeal in the ICA office, is PR good to go and appeal or do we need a Singapore Citizen only?

  33. hiii
    i apply for my wife entry visa with out sponser in on of the agency they agreed to applay the visa but now 16 days no information still pending pls give me some idea

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Thank you very much. This post is really helpful. My sister's visa application also got not successful. I followed the post's guide and emailed appeal to ica_save_helpdesk@ica.gov.sg. after 2 weeks, visa was approved lucky. Hope this will help u guys.

    1. Yes, it is!
      Thank you for the information!

    2. Hi, so glad to hear from the success. But I have a question for that, after sending the Appeal letter to ICA, does the status of the SAVE page change to pending or it still shows "not successful" until your application was approved. thx!

    3. Good day does she have a hard time in immigration even having the approval letter or they just lt them in.

  36. Hi, this is krish.my visa got rejected. I would like to appeal.i have to claim my tax from singapore government.

  37. Hi, I've applied for my PRC girlfriend and the outcome is "Visa Application is withdrawn" any idea what does this means, can I appeal? Thanks!

  38. Hi everyone i Got S-PASS approval from singapore government and i was given 2 months validity to process my S-PASS card.. My company asked me to go to singapore soon. So i went their and i was hoping to join.. But the company asked me to join after 15 days.. In the mean time i had to go back to Malaysia for giving back my house to the owner.. and Now i applied for single entry visa with s-pass approval letter and hotel booking. I want to join the company and process my s-pass card.. I am so worried..thinking i will be rejected.. Please advise

  39. Hi guys, I did my Bsc in Malaysia.After my degree I worked in Malaysia fior 2 years to further my education, an opportunity to study in Singapore came up. I just recently applied for student pass..i am very anxious, can ica reject my application because id did not go back to my home country after completing studies in Malaysia?

  40. I can only say about it. That you should first check your eligibility for the visa. IF you are eligible for it than definitely you will get the visa . I am living in Singapore from last 6 years and I recently applied for my PR from Consultant in Singapore and hope so i will get it. They can definitely help you in this matter. singapore pr application

  41. Hi Sir/Madam I am from India How long does it take to process an appeal for entry visa. Immigration officer said 2 weeks, but still pending after completion of 14 days.I need to correct processing time.thank you

  42. Hi all please advice me.my re entry visa application still pending.17 march i apply for my spouce but still pending.can i go and meet ica officer or still wait until the result come.

  43. What is under local contact? What should we write under that?

    1. Local contact means : holding a singaporean ic can apply for visa

  44. How many working days should we wait to know the result for appeal?

    1. Depend on the ICA officer mood...it seemed tht the ICA Officers have a very Bad mood always. (ICA period)

      The fastest - immediately and the slowest - one month.

  45. I suggest do not go for appeal , waiting for more than 45 days and pending still

  46. Applied for tourist visa through a local contact but my local contact is not there to appeal in person . Can another local contact go on behalf ?

  47. Appealed yesterday, approved today, could be the ICA officer's mood though.
    In my application I applied for my brother-in-law's wife, I should have but didn't indicate why she's unemployed (she's helping in the family business) and why I applied for 2 times entry (she's coming to Singapore then Sarawak then back to Singapore before returning to China). Documents needed were 1) Letter of appeal 2) Copy of applicant's passport 3) Copy of local contact's IC 4) Copy of applicant's spouse work permit ( my brother-in-law is working in Singapore) 5) Online rejection letter with visa application reference number and 6) Their marriage certificate. You may prepare Form 14A as well which the officer didn't request from but it's better to be prepared for the unknown. It's better to state clearly the applicant's employment status and reason for 2 times entry for similar case like mine.

  48. Must thank the original poster of this thread. My application for my China gf was rejected as she just spent 2 months here last month. Applied again, got rejected. Went up yesterday to ICA 4th floor to appeal as per above instructions and already got approval today :) So happy. Thanks again.

  49. In appeal letter, applicant need to sign for declaration form.but the applicant is not in Singapore, right? What should I do?

    1. I don't think applicant need to sign for declaration form

  50. Despite this being a 2010 post, I would want to pass on my sincere thanks to the person who posted this !! I re-appealed yesterday for my tourist visa and was glad to know that my visa got approved today morning
    I did exactly what the post says and blistering barnacles, my visa is approved today !!!

    1. To add more clarity. I was not a resident of Singapore and one of my PR friend applied on my behalf. My visa was rejected without stating a reason. On checking with the local agency in my country, I was told these rejections are common when the PR is not applying for their own blood relation.
      My friend walked down to the ICA building with my air tickets, event ticket (that I would be going while I will be at SG), request letter (as mentioned in post) and they took 12 hours to approve my request. Hope this helps someone
      lastly the visa link which shows rejected status was updated as Approved.

  51. please help me what to do. they refused me to entry Singapore last august 5 2015 at Changi airport from KL. the officer attached a letter on my passport with the note "Being ineligible for the issue of a pass under current immigration policies." sad to say I was sent back to my country. Please help me what to Do. thank u guys.

    1. without any reason they refused me to enter Singapore . and one of the officer told me that I have to make an appeal .

  52. I just want to say Thank you and give credits to the person who posted this. This post is still valid as of today 17/09/2015. Pls make sure the photo you used in application follows ICA standard, otherwise it'll be rejected straight away. At least, this is what I learned. Processing for appealing took 1 day. I submitted appeal yesterday and got approval today afternoon. Officer told me that ICA will trigger email when it's processed, however I didn't receive any email for status changed. So, you may wish to check the status by yourself every now and then after 1 day from submission.

    1. Do you have to go to ICA personally to submit your appeal or via an email? Please advise. Thanks.

    2. Yes, you need to go to ICA 4/Fl to appeal. Go to the counter (long queue usually) and tell the staff you want to appeal for entry Visa and you will be given a queue number. I waited 2 hours. Go into a small room and hand in your Appeal Letter (which they just glance through) but you will state your reason for Appeal. In and out within 5 minutes. Next day, approved liao.

    3. May i know what is the reason stated in the letter? Thanks.

  53. It could take up to 14 working days but it get done within a day for me. Good luck everyone.

  54. What did you write in the appeal letter?

  55. I went on a Saturday around 12 noon and was amazed only to have to wait 5 minutes to see an officer. It seems the rejection was due to me putting the applicant down as "relative" despite her being a different race... actually the applicant is my wife's family. Waiting and hoping....

    1. And it changed to approved on Monday morning. Thanks ICA!

  56. how long does it take for short term visit pass application with form 14 and V39I to be processed, for those from countries without visa requirement?

  57. I want to know one thing...My visa to Singapore was rejected for the first time I did appeal via ICA help desk... appeal takes 2 working days and still no answer from them... what should I do??

    1. you should visit ICA lv4 and do the appeal face-to-face

  58. i had a NTL on my passport twice... and the problem is theres no visa needed in our country Phils...and havent applied for an appeal letter..
    do i still need to get a letter of appeal? even if you dont require my country for a visa?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Please help me because i want to spend my christmas vaction in singapore

  59. i had a NTL on my passport twice... and the problem is theres no visa needed in our country Phils...and havent applied for an appeal letter..
    do i still need to get a letter of appeal? even if you dont require my country for a visa?

    1. what is NTL? you shd get a local sponsor and do an appeal for entry at ICA lvl4. heard it takes up to 6 weeks

    2. Went to do an appeal for my girlfriend on monday.. was told to wait for 4weeks.

    3. did you mean you do a appeal for visa or appeal for entry?

  60. Anyone knows why ICA isn't really in favour of local contact applying entry visa for friend into Singapore.
    Early this yr I applied entry visa for a friend but got rejected. Hence i went personally to ICA to appeal. Was approved. This is my second time applying for the same person but got rejected again.

    1. you went personally to ICA level 4 to request for an appeal interview ?

  61. Based on what ICA approve online applications directly!?based on what ICA reject online applications? If they are considering the quality/credibility of the local sponsor? They are not clear on that

    1. Went to ICA yesterday, had to wait but my local sponsor had to back to work. The interviewer refused to talk to me and attitude was bad...

  62. Today again I went there with my local sponsor to appeal visa for my mom. They ask for a clear photo, relationship provement of me and my mom. They even asked how do you approve local sponsor and mom' relationship! What! They are friends that's all. How do you approve they are friends?! So online application is only for those who are relatives of local
    Sponsors? Anyone who isn't relatives but mere friends gets visa approved?

  63. We applied for appeal on Dec 26 ,2015, waiting still for the approved status . ICA officer told it will take 14 days...dont know can go again in person and see the ICA officer to check on the status.

  64. I applied 3 time and got rejected 3 times, i went down for appeal and ICA officer told me they need proof of employment from her. Once i submitted, usually how long does it take for a answer? Anyone know?

  65. I applied on 8 jan 2016. its already after 3 working days (excluding day of submission and weekends) yet the application status is still pending. is this normal ? is there a chance that ica might have overlooked this application admist the 1000 others application?

  66. Does anyone know that how long to get feedback from the ICA after sending appeal letter. I applied Student pass for my kid (she's 2.5 years old) through online, then it's rejected. The childcare told me they sent the appeal letter and I need to wait 1-2 months for feedback from ICA. 1 month was over but still have no any feedback from ICA. So what I should do now?? I also can not check whether the childcare submit the appeal letter to ICA. Very appreciate for your help.

  67. Am a physician coming to Singapore for an exam. I had a letter from the exam authority, confirmed flight tickets and stay reservation. Yet my application was rejected. I appealed last Thursday and still no response. Any idea how to contact the ICA directly to speed up the process as am supposed the travel next Friday? Am really frustrated. Any help would be appreciated

  68. My husband was refused to enetr sg last Nov 2015. Went to ICA last Jan to apply for his re entry. Took quite a while as i had a a hard time finding a local sponsor. I was rejected by local friends 3x. Luckily, i found one who is very much willing to help us. After finding a local sponsor and completing all the documents, i submitted everything to ICA. It took 7 weeks before we got the reply. Thankfully its positive. Now, we have another dilemma as even if you receive the approval, still not sure if he can enter as it is still subjective to the immigration officer at the point of entry. I am 5 weeks pregnant and i hope my husband could still come back as i need him around.

    1. i believe your husband will have no difficulty entering SG because yours is a valid and genuine case.

  69. How to write appeal letter for long term visit pass, my brother in law is a foreigner and married overseas with my sister but now both of them in sg and yesterday just received email his LTVP not approved.

  70. Hi I am trying to get an entry visa for my to be husband. I only want to marry in Singapore . I had produced all the documents n even a date to register our marriage but still his entry visa was rejected . Any one know the reason ? Can I reapply

  71. Hi I am trying to get an entry visa for my to be husband. I only want to marry in Singapore . I had produced all the documents n even a date to register our marriage but still his entry visa was rejected . Any one know the reason ? Can I reapply

  72. I have appealed my mother-in-low's entry visa on 11th May, but still not approved for now. don't know if there will be a change after 14 days. Finger Cross!

    1. Got approved today, totally waited for 8 days. Thanks ICA!!!

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  75. Hi last march 2016 i got refused to enter singapore with no valid reason. My question is , is it possible to enter singapore again without the so called appeal letter But I have my spass aprroved . is it ok if i enter singapore again using my IPA but without the appeal letter ? really need advice . thank you .

    1. if your SPASS is already approved , why do you need any appeal letter ?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. so they are not going to hold me again sir ?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. somebody told me that having IPA or pass approved doesnt mean i can enter singapore again unless my appeal letter approved too. I really dont know what to do . I dont want to waste money again . I got refused 2 times in singapore as a normal tourist . But now I dont know if I got lucky that my pass got approved . can anybody here knows what to do >??

    6. May I know if the appeal was successful? Currently I am in the same situation as yours. Appreciate if you can reply on this.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. I was holding a S pass and put in an application as i wanted to transfer some other college. The application got rejected. Just put in an appeal today. How Long does it usually take? And is there a possibility that it will be approved ?

  78. Hi i apply my business entry visa from level 02 country through CG with other colleagues my colleague got approval but my status is still pending before this i visit Singapore 3 times without any problem i contact CG but they are not responding properly saying just wait how can i contact ICA? as i didn't have visa application number is pending status treated as rejection ?any one help me

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. i had a NTL on my passport once. and the problem is theres no visa needed in our country Phils...and havent applied for an appeal letter..
    do i still need to get a letter of appeal? even if you dont require my country for a visa?

  81. Jus did as you said but still got rejected.
    She is a Frd of my wife who is a PR from PRC.2weeks only also dun allow. Now how? Forget the idea?

  82. i had supreme case, setup company under my name, but ep under another company, so gov banned me now. no one telling me how many years ban and so now i can only keep trying appeal.
    who has same case with me?

  83. I was refuse to entry in singapore on visit pass.please could you tell me anyone how long I m banned singapore.

  84. how long does it take for apeal. its 3 days since the appeal. the status shows "We have received the appeal for visa and it is receiving attention. You may wish to note that the processing time is about 14 days. However, some appeals may take a longer time to process."

    any idea ????

  85. Mine is pending since 12 Dec 2016

  86. Singapore is proving to be one of the best business destinations in the world. You can avail top notch payroll outsourcing services in singapore and save your time as well as money.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. Hi. I applied for tourist visa for my two indian frnds through PR.He put relation as Relative.Girls is married but not updated her status in Passport. while submitting application PR put girls status as Married.for other Guy he mentioned wrong State in his current status.Both visa got rejected at same Day.I think we should have applied as a friend's friend.I want to go to ICA office regarding this correction.But that PR person cant come with me due to his office work. What should I do.Can I apply again after 2 days through other local person with correct details. or can I take that PR persons Identity card with me as he cant come with me. What you suggest.

  89. This post is really helpful, visa rejected for my brother. Visited ica along with my sponsor yesterday , Visa got approved this morning

    1. Thanks to original author

    2. How much time it took to approve and where you checked the status

    3. They approved it on next day after appel. I think you have high chances of approval if you submit return flight tickets.
      Again we can only guess. Only ICA knows reason for rejection.

  90. I applied from Entry Visa for my parents staying in India and got rejected as i applied online through one of my Chinese Singaporean friend, Later i know from someone that when you apply please use PR or Singaporean of your RACE then i changed and applied again rejected on same day again.

    Today 2 Feb 2017 i visited for appeal interview with one of my sponsor and completed the process they took some documents passports and IC.

    Waiting for outcome...

  91. hi everyone..i need help .ICA Refused my entry on 24/10/2015.due to currnt immigration policy.so my sponser appealed for me on 12 novemeber 2016.but on 9 december ICA requested for dcmntry proof of employment so we submitted on 15 december 2016 but still we does nt get any response from ICA.can anybody know that how long its take time to get response from ICA.twalia1986@gmail.com.is my email id..if any one face this type of problem.pls suggest me wat i will do.thnx.

  92. For me as I mention above I applied for appeal on 2nd Feb(Thursday) 6th(Monday) morning they approved.

  93. Hi can you help me regarding Singapore visit visa ... I got rejected twice .. when I applied first time I got visa but when I applied again I got rejected after 10 days I applied again with new photographs but got rejected again.. please help me how to appeal via email.

    1. i think its better to wait another 3 months before applying again. what reason did you put for coming to singapore ?

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. This works !! I applied visa for my sister's family through a local singaporean friend and all 4 applications were rejected next day. I appealed using similar letter and provided my details as well (I am on EP). Appealed in morning, Visa approved by evening.

    1. Hi ,

      Yes I'm mailed them yesterday as Appeal , they called me today in morning and asked me for my letter of employment and the reason in written to visit Singapore again so I provided them my letter of employment from my company where I am working right now and also I provided them reason in detailed again .

      I also attached my return ticket as well .. now finger crossed -_-

  96. Hi thanks for reply ... input the reason to accompanying my fiancé as she is a doctor and she's traveling for her exam over there

  97. Hi Friends. Need your advise.

    Applied short term visitor visa to one of my cousin coming to Singapore thru my PR friend. But visa got rejected and we applied for an appeal. It's been 4 days now but no result in appeal. We submitted all the documents asked by ICA officer during appeal.
    The thing is my cousin is planning to travel tomorrow night, is there any possibility to expedite the appeal request?

  98. Hi, I specially came here to thank the author of this post, I didn't follow the above format of appeal as far as I am in Pakistan and I appealed here in Pakistan Karachi but this post gave me the direction and way to to appeal thanks a lot mate . My Appeal successfully win Allhamdolilah (Thanks to God) after 2 rejection.

    1. Brother was your appealed filed by a Pr or Singapore citizen and was it through mail or by the Pr or Singapore citizen in person at the ICA?

  99. Hi all, Thanks to the main Aurthor, waited for almost 6 days for my appeal to get approved for my Wife and Son. Very happy

    1. Does the approvl letter have expiry date and if ever it has how many months?

  100. I am a french citizen would had been refused of entry by the ICA for a Visit Pass for "being ineligible for the issue of a pass under current immigration policies". I have a job offer in Singapore and after I had been sent back to France the company in Singapore applied to an E Pass and it got refused due to "ICA record". Can I be sponsored by the company and ask them to go to the ICA to get an Appeal for a S Pass ?

    1. hi,i also hve same problem like u,ica refuse my entry on 24 oct.2015,after that my employer apply my s pass on 3 november 2015 but it was rejected due to i hve adverse record with ica.so i appeal in ica to remove my adverse record with them.but it was rejected .i apeal again on 7 november 2016 so ica rply on 15 feb 2017.again its was rejected.so ICA told to my sponser apply after 6 months.so i m waiting ..so u dnt wry about ur case.so b patience.u appeal with form 14 only..first u take permission to get entry in sg after that u apply in mom for ur pass.otherwise mom will rejecte again without ica letter..best of luck,

  101. I was refused to enter in singapore and when I appealed I have been approved to reenter again but the thing is my travel got canceled on the date stated date. Does it have expiration or is it required to travel on the said date on what is stated on my appeal?

    1. How did you appeal? by yourself and where?

  102. hi..can u tell me how you appeal..and which dcmnts u submitted.?
    how long its take time to get response from ica?
    because i also appealed but they rejected after that they give me to appeal after 6 months.
    twalia1986@gmail.com is my id

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. hi thnx for rply.
    you can re enter in singapore with valid visa.there is such no expiry date once ica give permission to re enter in sg.
    pls can u tell me wat dcmnts u submiited in ica for re enter in sg?
    my employer trying for me but he dnt know the procudure

  104. We have received the appeal for visa and it is receiving attention. You may wish to note that the processing time is about 14 days. However, some appeals may take a longer time to process.

    Please help me willi get Visa.. i have booked mny flight for 30th May

    1. You should've appeal along with confirm return ticket. Did you show ?

  105. This has by far been very helpful. Thanks to main author n many comments which helped in the process.I appealed for my friends rejected entry visa personally in ICA.They didn't take anything from me but the appeal letter although i filled in form 14A and other docs. As i applied for Visa using my work laptop (server proxy in Australia) they rejected the initial application. ICA officer asked me to write a comment at bottom of appeal stating i applied from home in SG using my work laptop. Next morning Visa Approved ��

  106. Hi,

    I already have a valid work permit but got denied for entry. The immigration officer told me to send a letter of appe to ica, and indicate that I ahve a valid work permit and would like to ask for approval for entry. The reason for rejection for entry though holding a valid permit was due to my rejection of entry last March.

    I badly need help on how to send my appeal letter. I browsed through the ica website but I'm not quite sure where to proceed. Can anyone here help me on the steps and/or procedures please.

    My work permit is due to expire this Oct 11 so I really need to send my appeal the soonest.

    Please help.

  107. You have to look for a local sponsor. Your local sponsor will go to ICA office to pass the relevant documents required. I submitted my appeal letter last May 2017 but until now there's no result yet.

    1. May I know if the appeal was successful? Currently I am in the same situation as yours. Appreciate if you can reply on this.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. Hi,

    I already have a valid work permit but got denied for entry. The immigration officer told me to send a letter of appe to ica, and indicate that I ahve a valid work permit and would like to ask for approval for entry. The reason for rejection for entry though holding a valid permit was due to my rejection of entry last March.

    I badly need help on how to send my appeal letter. I browsed through the ica website but I'm not quite sure where to proceed. Can anyone here help me on the steps and/or procedures please.

    My work permit is due to expire this Oct 11 so I really need to send my appeal the soonest.

    Please help.

    1. May I know if the appeal was successful? Currently I am in the same situation as yours. Appreciate if you can reply on this.

  109. Good day,
    My wife just rejected to enter Singapore last Jan.05,2018, we supposed to have our honeymoon. I invited her to have vacation here until Jan.10,2018 coz we just got married, she was rejected due to the said record for last year A to A, the immigration advice her to process this letter. I wanted to spend more days with my wife coz not all the time we can be together, I'm a Malaysian Chinese working here in Singapore.please help me if how could I be able to bring or invite my wife to be with me even just short period of time, she can't also stay here for long time coz she also have to process some documents for her schooling and change status.
    I just hope the immigration will allow her to enter Singapore again. I can provide documents to support and proved that we just got married and I'm capable to support her stay.
    Thank you very much

  110. Good day,
    My wife just rejected to enter Singapore last Jan.05,2018, we supposed to have our honeymoon. I invited her to have vacation here until Jan.10,2018 coz we just got married, she was rejected due to the said record for last year A to A, the immigration advice her to process this letter. I wanted to spend more days with my wife coz not all the time we can be together, I'm a Malaysian Chinese working here in Singapore.please help me if how could I be able to bring or invite my wife to be with me even just short period of time, she can't also stay here for long time coz she also have to process some documents for her schooling and change status.
    I just hope the immigration will allow her to enter Singapore again. I can provide documents to support and proved that we just got married and I'm capable to support her stay.
    Thank you very much

  111. Who can i contact for re entry singapore

  112. hi,

    can any one suggest me, my friend was applied visa for me in Singapore(pr person) but visa had rejected ,and then he was appeal against visa he already submitted all the required document in ica, 5 days already gone but still am not getting any reply
    anyone pls tel me how long days it will take.

  113. The above advice on how to appeal a Singapore entry visa rejection and the sample letter posted in 2010 are very helpful indeed. I am sorry that I am posting this feedback pretty late. In May 2017, I applied for an entry visa through a Singapore Embassy appointed visa agent in Malaysia to attend a very important conference in Singapore. But my visa was rejected. It seems that my application was rejected because I was denied entry some years earlier. I was really disappointed because I really needed to attend that conference. In the course of searching the Internet on what next to do, I found the above advice and sample letter. I followed the advice, obtained an appeal letter from the conference organisers and forwarded it along with all relevant supporting documents by email to ICA in Singapore. Their helpdesk was VERY, VERY HELPFUL indeed! They replied almost immediately. In fact, in just one day, they sent me email thrice. In the end, my appeal was accepted. I collected my visa through the visa agent in Malaysia and attended the conference without problems. I am still very thankful to whoever posted that advice and sample letter here, and also to the helpdesk at ICA!!!

  114. This is really helpful I followed all the tips the writer has given, I tried to enter 2 times and my last and 3rd attempt was successful. 1st attempt; the SG immigration look for a document that I cant provide that time, then they told me if I wanna go back, I need to appeal for reentry, so I did find a friend that is a Resident to file an appeal for me at ICA. 2nd attempt; I am waiting for my appeal letter but it didn't arrive on schedule for my trip, (but I still went of course just trying my luck and I don't wanna waste my booking expenses ) I thought they will have a record in their system that they can look up but the key is the physical approval letter that should be shown to them upon arrival. To cut long story short, I still didn't enter SG. 3rd attempt; I have all the required documents specially the physical approval letter from ICA, and the Immigration ask me "so in our record, you have been A to A 2 times already" I just answered directly" Yes, I have my approval letter for my appeal to re entry" to cut the all the questions. then the officer said, " come, follow me, another officer will talk to you" (while walking to the holding area the first officer told me to give him all my supporting documents, and I'm like, "OMG, am I dead again?" Many things running to my mind and so nervous waiting for my name to be called. So when the second officer called my Surname, I went to her and she just said, "Enjoy your stay here". I'm so shocked, no more questions ask.

    So my advice is, be patient wait for the letter because that's all the officers need. ( Including your supporting documents ).

    Anyway, I got my letter approximately 1 month after my appeal including the shipping duration.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Hi.. May i know what documents did you sumbit to ICA?

    1. 14A form, which found in immigration law act chapter 133.

  116. That’s all? Did they ask your certificate of employment and and some documents from your local sponsor?

  117. Just to say I came about this article because my social visa for my mom is rejected. I need my mom here coz I have 7 months old baby and she has been in and out Singapore twice when I gave birth and when my daughter was 2 months old. I am an EP holder is maximum stay with extension I can apply for her is 60 days. Okay so after rejection I wrote appeal letter just like article recommended. Prepare all the relevant documents went down to ICA. Had interview with officer and they said they will look into appeal most likely I will get answer in 14 working days. But appeal was approved after 3 days! So my mom is on her way to Singapore to help me look after the baby. So thank you for the article! Good luck for everyone out there is applying for appeal!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. either can Email or can visit ICA directly

  118. Hi all..
    My visit visa not successful after my local sponsor made appeal with ICA but already 1 week completed but still same status.
    Now one employer want to apply for me S pass.
    My S pass application will get problem because of my visit visa is still pending with ICA.
    Pls kindly share your thoughts..
    Thanks in advance..

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. How many chance appeal

  121. This post is very useful. My visa application for my friend is rejected. This post is truly a godsend to my situation. Thank you because I feel hopeful

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. What does the status "the visa appeal is not successful"?

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  126. The country of UK is a very mesmerising country having a good quality of life for everyone. But not everyone gets to the grass on the other side. Many reasons lie with the rejection of the visa refusal of a personnel. Many of the reasons hamper the visa acceptance.But an appeal letter for reappearing for visa interview is a key point for the visa acceptance.how to write an appeal letter for visa refusal

  127. Hi I have a friend who have been rejected to enter in Singapore. He already filed for appeal and successfully entered Singapore just last month. Just want to check if he will try to enter again will there be a problem again?

    1. how Long She wait For her appeal??? bcoz ive waited 10 weeks already Still no result thank

  128. Thank you very much for your valuable information. can you help me in finding out more detail on Singapore visa

  129. We appealed And its already 10weeks still no Result..

  130. My exp as follows. I applied for my cousin(age 24) through a Singapore PR friend. The next day got rejected. We were shocked as the 1st time we saw any rejection for tourist visa. Unfortunately, we planned travel and booked tickets for my cousin within 10days as we confident in getting visa 1day. So now I don’t know what to do, whether to re-apply or wait sometime and not sure. Luckily asked a friend who got same situation a month ago, and after discussion decided to go to ICA and check with them. The immediate working day we decided and I went to ICA with my PR friend. Went to the queue got a tocken, then when case officer asked us in a meeting room, explained everything as why she is coming and why these dates and what she is doing and her work, education, what I do, how me and my friend know each other, and so on.. later passed him all the documents asked for, like, air tickets along with the return ticket and copy of EP, passport, my PR friend PR copy, passport copy and all other supporting documents. The officer asked my PR friend to write a letter explaining, how he knows me, and the person visiting singapore and so on..
    The officer took all documents and letter and told us to check the status online and a mail will be sent. The next day nothing happened but the status shows as "visa appeal is pending” in online. The 2nd day till evening nothing changed in status and I already started feeling nervous as travel date is approaching and planned to visit the ICA one more time. But to our surprise the appeal is approved and got visa. So now my cousin is travelling in next 2days. So waiting time is almost 2days after done appeal.
    Now I seriously felt, it is better to visit ICA and explain things to get the visa rather apply again and get reject again. If everything is right and nothing to complain most likely high chances to get visa approved.
    Below scenarios I undetsood could lead to rejections.
     Frequent visit
     Overstay in earlier visit
     travelling individual within age group of 20-40(as they suspect u come down and try jobs)
     without return ticket
     without enough funds
     unemloyed young person

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